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WVU Institute for Water Security and Science to host water research symposium

Researchers at West Virginia University’s Institute for Water Security and Science have been busy since the Institute got off the ground in early 2016, and they are eager to share their research with attendees at their upcoming spring symposium from noon to 7 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 28 at Waterfront Place Hotel in Morgantown.

creek running through forest

According to IWSS Director Jason Hubbart, the event will serve as a networking opportunity between water researchers at WVU and representatives from partner institutions, industry and federal and state agencies – but it will also focus on critical water research conducted by WVU researchers and elevating the importance of water resources in West Virginia.

“The symposium will focus on the history, present conditions and current and future needs of West Virginia’s water resources,” Hubbart said. “We anticipate an information-packed opportunity that will help facilitate multidisciplinary collaborations and enrich the programs and initiatives of those in attendance.”

The symposium’s poster session will highlight a wide range of water-related scientific research from members of the WVU community, with topics including technological advancements in wastewater treatment, detection and remediation of water quality impairment, the biological impacts of specific pollutants on aquatic ecosystems, modeling the vulnerability of the state to the Zika virus, water resource best management practices, plant-microbial interactions in forest ecosystems, and socio-hydrological characteristics of the Appalachian region.

The WVU Institute for Water Security and Science was established in 2016 in recognition of the vital role of water to the world and state. The IWSS was created with the goal of building a strong and collaborative network of cross-disciplinary expertise in water research to shape the future of water resources and stewardship.

The symposium is open to the public.  For more information about the symposium or IWSS, contact Laura Tinney at 304.293.6687 or