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Mission and Vision


Davis College envisions a world sustainably fed, clothed and sheltered.

Core Values and Principles

The following core values and principles are embraced by faculty and staff of the Davis College of Agriculture and Natural Resources. These values guide our teaching, research, and outreach activities and support our Mission:

  • Excellence. We continuously strive to improve in the areas of learning, discovery, and engagement. We set high standards in these areas and work to exceed those expectations. We seek innovative and creative solutions to contemporary problems in agriculture, natural resources, and design.
  • Leadership. The faculty, staff, and students of the Davis College play a critical leadership role in support of sustainable agriculture, natural resource, forestry, and consumer science policies and programs at the local, state, regional, national, and international levels.
  • Stewardship. The Davis College faculty and staff are committed to enhancing West Virginia’s rich legacy of natural, family, community, and economic resources for future generations.
  • Engagement. The faculty, staff, and students of the Davis College are actively engaged with the citizens and communities of West Virginia to enhance the overall quality and health of citizens, communities, ecosystems, and economy of West Virginia.
  • Collaboration. We strive to work collaboratively with a diverse set of stakeholder groups including students, parents, alumni, state and federal government, business, industry, communities, citizens, and nonprofit groups in support of our mission.