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Master's Programs

student with microgreens Agriculture, Natural Resources and Design Program

This interdisciplinary degree offers advanced study in all areas of agriculture, natural resources, and design. This program provides an opportunity for students to expand on the knowledge and skills they acquired during their undergraduate studies.

student demonstrating taking soil sample Agricultural and Extension Education Program

This program is intended for students desiring advanced study in teaching agriculture in public schools, communications and leadership, or extension education. 

Student holding lamb

Animal and Nutritional Sciences Program

The master of science in animal and nutritional sciences in the Davis College of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Design allows maximum flexibility in courses and research problems. Students may major in either animal physiology or nutrition and food sciences. They may work with beef and dairy cattle, sheep, swine, poultry, or laboratory animals and with issues in human health and nutrition. Research problems in farm animals, laboratory animals and human nutrition issues form the basis for many studies, but a comparative approach is emphasized. 

Forestry for the future

Forestry Program

(Emphasis in Forestry, Emphasis in Wood Science & Technology)

Students seeking admission for the degree of Master of Science in Forestry (M.S.F.) should have completed an undergraduate curriculum in forestry, wood science or other natural resources related field. Candidates for the degree may pursue an emphasis in forest resources management or wood science and technology. Within their selected area of emphasis, candidates may focus their studies on forestry (biometry, ecology, economics, management, hydrology, operations, silviculture, urban forestry) or wood science & technology (bio-energy, bio-fuels, wood composites, wood marketing).

Professor with microscope

Genetics and Developmental Biology Program

The master of science and doctor of philosophy degrees are offered in genetics and developmental biology, an interdisciplinary program involving the faculty and facilities of a number of departments in the various colleges and schools of the University. A student may concentrate in genetics or developmental biology.

Professor in greenhouse

Plant and Soil Sciences Program

The master of science in plant and soil sciences degree is offered to students who wish to study agronomy, entomology, environmental microbiology, horticulture, plant pathology, or soil science. Thesis or non-thesis options are available. It provides students the opportunity to take courses and conduct original, master’s-level research in their areas of specialization. The educational experience obtained through courses and research is expected to provide students with the background and expertise to enter doctoral programs or professional careers as agronomists, entomologists, microbiologists, horticulturists, and plant pathologists or soil scientists. These disciplines are critical to maintaining agriculture and forest productivity, solving environmental problems, and promoting economic development in the state.

Cooper Rock overlook

Resource Economics and Management Program

The program provides advanced training in the areas of natural resource, environ­mental, agricultural, mineral, energy, agribusiness, inter­na­tional, and rural development econo­mics. The primary objective of this program is to prepare students for further graduate study or a variety of careers in business and government.

Student taking water sample Wildlife and Fisheries Resources Program

The Wildlife and Fisheries Resources Program at WVU is dedicated to developing the next generation of young fisheries and wildlife professionals. This program offers two levels of advanced degree with a Master of Science in Wildlife and Fisheries Resources and a Ph.D. in Forest Resources available. At the M.S. or Ph.D. level, students work closely with their faculty advisor and mentor to develop a unique research program that will prepare them for a career in this field. Students typically focus on either Wildlife OR Fisheries for these advanced degrees.