Professor Emeritus of Resource Economics and Management
Peter Schaeffer is Interim Division Director of Animal and Nutritional Sciences, Professor in the Division of Resource Economics and Management, Adjunct Professor of Economics, and Faculty Research Associate at the Regional Research Institute. He previously served on the faculties of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, University of Colorado at Denver, as a visiting professor at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, visiting scholar at the International Labour Organisation in Geneva, and faculty research associate at the Institute of Behavioral Studies at the University of Colorado at Boulder. He has consulted on regional economic development in North America, Europe, and the People’s Republic of China, served as treasurer of the Regional Science Association International (1987-97), chair of the North American Regional Science Council (2005) and president of the Southern Regional Science Association (2008–9). He currently serves on the editorial boards of seven journals in urban and regional planning, regional science, the social sciences, and applied economics and as editor of the section on energy economics and policy for the journal Energies.
Dr. Schaeffer earned M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in economics from the University of Southern California and the licentiate in economics (M.A. equivalent) from the University of Zurich. His research interests are economic policy, particularly (1) regional and rural economics and development; (2) international labor migration; (3) domestic job and occupational mobility; and (4) natural resource management issues related to amenities, planning, and energy, and their implications for economic development. (5) He is also interested in economic philosophy and the development of economic thought.
Dr. Schaeffer earned M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in economics from the University of Southern California and the licentiate in economics (M.A. equivalent) from the University of Zurich. His research interests are economic policy, particularly (1) regional and rural economics and development; (2) international labor migration; (3) domestic job and occupational mobility; and (4) natural resource management issues related to amenities, planning, and energy, and their implications for economic development. (5) He is also interested in economic philosophy and the development of economic thought.
- PV Schaeffer. Data Sources for the Policy Sciences, 12 pages. There is no completion date because the document is changed as new information is found. It can be downloaded at
- PV Schaeffer, 2020. “Migration, Depressed Regions, and Place-Based Policy.” Chapter 23 in K Kourtit, P Nijkamp, M Partridge, B Newbold, editors. Handbook on The Economic Geography of Cross-Border Migration. Springer Verlag
- T Wasihun, PV Schaeffer, TG Gebremedhin, 2019. “Analysis of the Role of Commercial Real Estate in the Economic Development of the Northeastern United States.” American Journal of Industrial and Business Management 9(5, May)
- PV Schaeffer, 2019. “A Note on the Tinbergen Principle.” Presented at the Annual Southern Regional Science Association Meetings, Washington, DC, April 4-6; most recent version is co-authored with Kevin Willardsen
- PV Schaeffer, 2018. “The Rules of the Game.” Fellows Address, Review of Regional Studies, 48(3): 271-277
- M Murray, P Schaeffer, 2018. Human Capital and the CIE. Part 5 of: An Economic Analysis of the Appalachian Coal Industry Ecosystem. 83 pp. ARC,
- PV Schaeffer, RW Jackson, E Bowen, 2018. “Implicit Regional Economic Goals and Objectives: A Study of US Development Programs.” Regional Research Institute Working Paper 2018-06,
- PV Schaeffer, 2017. “Directions in Migration Research.” Chapter 18 in RW Jackson, PV Schaeffer, editors, Regional Research Frontiers: The Next 50 Years. Vol. I: 299-316. Springer Verlag