Associate Professor of Forest Hydrology
I am an associate professor of forest hydrology and director of the West Virginia
University Mountain Hydrology Laboratory. In this lab, we focus on aspects of water
resources with a particular emphasis on land surface and atmospheric processes, patterns,
and trends to ultimately understand how mountain freshwater ecosystems and services
respond to environmental change and climate change. As a researcher and educator,
I am broadly interested in the interaction between humans and the environment and
the role that water plays as a shared experience, integrator, and common language
between people and for communicating science. I have BS in Forest Resources Management
(WVU 2000), a MS in Forest Sciences with focus in hydrology (Virginia Tech 2003),
and a PhD in Forest Engineering with a focus in Hydrology (Oregon State 2008). I
adamantly believe that the lines between my work and play lives should be fuzzy,
and working as a research hydrologist and educator allows me to pursue my passion
for exploration in the form of experimentation, teaching, whitewater kayaking, surfing,
and global travel.
- †Miller, A., N. Zégre. 2016. Landscape-scale disturbance: Insights into the complexity of catchment hydrology in the mountaintop removal mining region of the eastern United States. Land. doi:10.3390/land5030022.
- Good, S.P., Mallia, D.V., Denis, E.H., Freeman, K.H., Feng, X., Li, S., Zégre, N., Lin, J.C., Bowen, G.J. (2015) “High Frequency trends in the isotopic composition of superstorm Sandy.” In: Learning from the Impacts of Superstorm Sandy. Edited by Bennington, B. and Farmer, E.C. Elsevier, Boston USA.
- Zégre, N., A. Miller†, A., Maxwell, S. Lamont. 2014. Multi-scale analysis of hydrology in a mountaintop mine-impacted watershed, Journal of the American Water Resources Association . doi: 10.1111/jawr.12184.
- Sun, P., Z. Yu, S. Liu, X. Wei, J. Wang, N. Zégre. 2012. Climate change, growing season water deficit and vegetation activity along the north-south transect of Eastern China from 1982 through 2006. Hydrology and Earth Systems Science. 16, 3835-3850. doi:10.5194/hess-16-3835-2012.
- Zégre, N., A. E. Skaugset, N. A. Som, J. J. McDonnell, L. M. Ganio. 2010. In lieu of the paired catchment approach: Hydrologic model change detection at the catchment scale, Water Resources Research, 46, W11544, doi: 10.1029/2009WR008601.