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Elbakidze, Levan

Program Coordinator of Natural Resources Economics, PhD, Professor of Resource Economics and Management

Dr. Levan Elbakidze is a professor in the Division of Resource Economics and Management, Davis College of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Design, and a faculty research associate at the Regional Research Institute and at the Center for Innovation in Gas Research and Utilization at WVU.  He earned his BS and MS from the University of Nevada, Reno, and PhD from Texas A&M University.  

Dr. Elbakidze’s research program primarily revolves around natural resource economics including water resource economics, management of invasive species, pests and infectious animal diseases, and energy. He is also interested in applications of experimental economics and in interdisciplinary modeling of systems involving interdependent human and biophysical components. He has received research grants from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Geologic Survey and the Nature Conservancy.  His work has been published in Risk Analysis, Water Resources Research, Resource and Energy Economics, Ecological Economics, Agricultural Economics, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management and other peer reviewed journals.


  1. Anica, S*. and L. Elbakidze, (2022) “Financial Assistance and Environmental Compliance: Evidence from the Clean Water Act," Land Economics 99(2). 
  2. Xu, Y., L. Elbakidze, X. Etienne (2022) “ Unconventional Oil and Gas Development and Agricultural Land-use in the U.S.," Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, (Accepted: available online)
  3. Du, X., L. Elbakidze, L. Lu, R. G. Taylor (2022) “ Climate Smart Pest Management” Sustainability, 14(16), 19832
  4. Cohen, J. J., Elbakidze, L., & Jackson, R. (2022). Interstate protectionism: the case of solar renewable energy credits. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 104(2), 717-738.
  5. Xu, Y., L. Elbakidze, P. Gassman, J. Arnold, J. Hubbard, H. Yen, M. Strager, (2022) “Integrated assessment of nitrogen runoff to the Gulf of Mexico” Resource and Energy Economics, 67:1-17
  6. Elbakidze, L. and Q. Beeson* (2021). “State regulatory heterogeneity and compliance with the Clean Water and Safe Drinking Water Acts”. Water Resources Research, 57:1-13, e2020WR028952. Featured on AGU Science News (Eos), “New Standards Spur Water Utilities to Improve Compliance” by Jim Hall (editor, WRR), available online 
  7. Tavarez, H., L. Elbakidze, (2021) “Urban forest valuation and environmental disposition: The case of Puerto Rico” Forest Policy and Economics, 131:1-8
  8. Mugabe, D.* L. Elbakidze, T. Carr, (2021) “All the DUCs in a row: natural gas production in the US” the Energy Journal, 42(3):113-132
  9. Tavárez, H., L. Elbakidze, O. J. Abelleira-Martínez, Z. Ramos-Bendaña, N. A. Bosque-Pérez, (2021). “Willingness to pay for gray and green interventions to augment water supply: a case study in Rural Costa Rica.” Environmental Management, 1-16
  10. Khurana, R.* L. Elbakidze, J. Hall, (2020) “The political economy of solar initiatives in the sunshine state” Applied Economics Letters, 28(9):717-720
  11. Cohen, J. L. Elbakidze, R. Jackson (2020) “Solar bait: How U.S. states attract solar investments from large corporations” Energy Journal, 41(2):167-190
  12. Mugabe*, D. L. Elbakidze, and G. Zaynutdinova (2020) “Elasticity of substitution and technical efficiency: evidence from the US electricity generation,” Applied Economics, 52(16):1789-1805.
  13. Tavárez, H. and L. Elbakidze (2019). “Valuing recreational enhancements in the San Patricio Urban Forest of Puerto Rico: A choice experiment approach.” Forest Policy and Economics, 109, 102004.
  14. Tawfeeq*, M., A. R. Collins, A. R., L. Elbakidze, and G. Zaynutdinova (2019). “Linking crude oil prices and Middle East stock markets”. OPEC Energy Review. 43(2)
  15. Elbakidze, L., H. Vinson*, K. Cobourn, and G. Taylor (2018), “Efficient groundwater allocation and binding hydrologic externalities,” Resource and Energy Economics, 53:147-16
  16. Elbakidze, L. and R. Nayga (2017) “The adding-up test in an incentivized value elicitation mechanism: the role of the income effect” Environmental and Resource Economics. 71(3): 625-644.
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