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Schuler, Jamie

Professor of Silviculture
Program Coordinator for WVU Forests

Dr. Schuler received B.S. and M.S. degrees from SUNY-ESF in forestry and forest management, and a Ph.D. in forestry from North Carolina State University. He teaches courses in Silviculture, Forest Management and Planning, and Sugarbush Management & Maple Syrup Production, as well as coordinates the Forest Resources Management Summer Camp Program.  He is responsible for coordinating the management, research, and teaching activities on WVU’s 8,000+ ac of forests. Dr. Schuler’s research interests include intensive management of forests, regeneration practices, plantation establishment strategies, bio-feedstock production, and mine reclamation.


  1. Bin, Y., Q. Hao, B. Lv, N. Wang, S. Liu, Y. Zhou, J. Schuler, and J. Wang. 2018. Why Vatica mangachapoi shows stronger capability of natural regeneration in the coastal barren sandy soil—seed rain dynamic. Asian International Journal of Life Sciences. In Press.
  2. Liebermann, H., J. Schuler, M. Strager, A.K. Hentz, and A. Maxwell. Using Unmanned Aerial Systems for Deriving Forest Stand Characteristics in Mixed Hardwoods of West Virginia. Journal of Geospatial Applications in Natural Resources 2(1):23-53.
  3. Martin, A., J. Schuler, and J. Edwards. 2017. Vegetation Response to Strip Cutting Young Hardwood Stands in West Virginia. J. Sustainable Forestry 36:818-832.
  4. Schuler, JL, DC Bragg, K McElligott. 2017. Biomass estimates of small diameter planted and natural-origin loblolly pines show major departures from the National Biomass Estimator equations. Forest Science 63(3):319-330.
  5. Caterino, B., J. Schuler, S. Grushecky, and J. Skousen. 2017. Surface mine to biomass farm: growing shrub willow (Salix spp.) in northeastern West Virginia. Journal American Society of Mining and Reclamation 6(1):1-14.
  6. Monteleone, A, J. Skousen, L. McDonald, J. Schuler, J. Pomp, M. French, and R. Williams. 2017. Evaluation of small tree and shrub plantings on reclaimed surface mines in West Virginia. Journal American Society of Mining and Reclamation 6(1):34-61.
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