Professor of Silviculture
Program Coordinator for WVU Forests
Schuler received B.S. and M.S. degrees from SUNY-ESF in forestry and forest
management, and a Ph.D. in forestry from North Carolina State University. He
teaches courses in Silviculture, Forest Management and Planning, and Sugarbush
Management & Maple Syrup Production, as well as coordinates the Forest
Resources Management Summer Camp Program.
He is responsible for coordinating the management, research, and
teaching activities on WVU’s 8,000+ ac of forests. Dr. Schuler’s research
interests include intensive management of forests, regeneration practices,
plantation establishment strategies, bio-feedstock production, and mine
- Bin, Y., Q. Hao, B. Lv, N. Wang, S. Liu, Y. Zhou, J. Schuler, and J. Wang. 2018. Why Vatica mangachapoi shows stronger capability of natural regeneration in the coastal barren sandy soil—seed rain dynamic. Asian International Journal of Life Sciences. In Press.
- Liebermann, H., J. Schuler, M. Strager, A.K. Hentz, and A. Maxwell. Using Unmanned Aerial Systems for Deriving Forest Stand Characteristics in Mixed Hardwoods of West Virginia. Journal of Geospatial Applications in Natural Resources 2(1):23-53.
- Martin, A., J. Schuler, and J. Edwards. 2017. Vegetation Response to Strip Cutting Young Hardwood Stands in West Virginia. J. Sustainable Forestry 36:818-832.
- Schuler, JL, DC Bragg, K McElligott. 2017. Biomass estimates of small diameter planted and natural-origin loblolly pines show major departures from the National Biomass Estimator equations. Forest Science 63(3):319-330.
- Caterino, B., J. Schuler, S. Grushecky, and J. Skousen. 2017. Surface mine to biomass farm: growing shrub willow (Salix spp.) in northeastern West Virginia. Journal American Society of Mining and Reclamation 6(1):1-14.
- Monteleone, A, J. Skousen, L. McDonald, J. Schuler, J. Pomp, M. French, and R. Williams. 2017. Evaluation of small tree and shrub plantings on reclaimed surface mines in West Virginia. Journal American Society of Mining and Reclamation 6(1):34-61.