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Mata Padrino, Domingo Jose

Retired Research Associate Professor of Agronomy

Dr. Domingo Jose Mata Padrino is from Venezuela. He earned his doctorate from the Central University of Venezuela. Domingo worked for the Universidad Nacional Experimental Simon Rodriques (UNESR) for 25 years before beginning at WVU in 2003. Dr. Mata Padrino’s research areas are many including: grazing management, organic farming, tropical crops, natural grassland management, and small ruminants grazing systems. He oversees the summer internship program at the WVU Organic Farm.


  1. Mata-Padrino, D.J., D.P. Belesky, C.D. Crawford, B. Walsh, S.A. Bowdridge. 2019. Effects of grazing birdsfoot trefoil-enriched pasture on managing Haemonchus contortus infection in Suffolk crossbred lambs. Journal of Animal Science. 97(1): 172-183.
  2. Basweti, E. A., D. J. Mata-Padrino, J. B. Kotcon, and W. B. Bryan. 2018. External Inputs and Livestock for Organic Hill Land Farming Systems in Appalachia. Agrosystems, Geosciences & Environment 1:180017. doi:10.2134/age2018.07.0017
  3. Mata-Padrino, D., E. Felton, W. Bryan and D. Belesky. 2017. Winter grazing in a grass-fed system: Effect of stocking density and sequential use of autumn-stockpiled grassland on performance of yearling steers. International Journal of Agronomy. Volume 2017, Article ID 2375954, 9 pages
  4. Pena-Yewtukhiw, E., Mata-Padrino, D., & Grove, J. 2017. Interactions between landscape defined management zones and grazing management systems. Advances in Animal Biosciences, 8(2), 787-791. doi:10.1017/S204047001700098X
  5. Mata-Padrino, D., E. Felton and W. Bryan. 2015. Winter management of yearling steers in a grass-fed beef production system. Agronomy Journal. 107(3):1-7. DOI:10.2134/agronj13.0568