Associate Professor of Wildlife and Fisheries Resources
Lituma’s research interests focus on grassland and early-successional bird population
ecology, landscape conservation ecology, and how conservation practices affect
bird populations. He is also interested in understanding how continued human population
expansion and the wildland-urban interface will affect the significance of private
lands in avian conservation, as well as the full life-cycle conservation and understating
avian population dynamics during migration and on wintering grounds. He earned
his bachelor’s in biology from Millersville University of Pennsylvania, a master’s
in wildlife and fisheries sciences from Texas A&M University, and a doctorate
in natural resources from the University of Tennessee.
- Lituma, C. M., and D. A. Buehler. 2016. Minimal bias in surveys of grassland birds from roadsides. The Condor: Ornithological Applications 118: 715-727.
- Keyser, P. D., E. D. Holcomb, J. C. Waller, G. E. Bates, and C. M. Lituma. 2016. Forage attributes and animal performance from native grass pastures inter-seeded with red clover. Agronomy Journal 108: 373-383.
- West, A. S., P. D. Keyser, C. M. Lituma, D. A. Buehler, R. D. Applegate, J. Morgan. 2016. Grasslands bird occupancy of native warm-season grass. Journal of Wildlife Management 80: 1081-1090.
- Campomizzi, A. J., H. A. Mathewson, M. L. Morrison, C. M. Lituma, T. J. Conkling, M. C. Cocimano, S. L. Farrell, R. N. Wilkins, and J. A. Butcher. 2013. Understanding nest success and brood parasitism in the endangered black-capped vireo: Comparison with two sympatric songbirds. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 125: 709-720.
- Lituma, C. M., M. L. Morrison and J. D. Whiteside. 2012. Restoration of grasslands and nesting success of dickcissels (Spiza americana). The Southwestern Naturalist 57: 138-143.
- Butcher, J. A., J. E. Groce, C. M. Lituma, M. C., Cocimano, Y. Sanchez-Johnson, A. J. Campomizzi, T. L. Pope, K. S. Reyna, and A. C. S. Knipps. 2007. Persistent controversy in statistical approaches in wildlife sciences: A perspective of students. Journal of Wildlife Management 71: 2142-2144.