Professor of Human Nutrition and Foods
Extension Specialist, Food System and Human Health
Dr. Cangliang Shen is a Professor/Extension Specialist at School of Agriculture and Food System, Division of Land Grant Engagement, West Virginia University. Dr. Shen worked at IEH Consulting Groups (Research Associate), USDA-ARS (Postdoctoral Research Microbiologist), and Western Kentucky University (Assistant Professor) after obtaining his Ph.D. from Colorado State University. Dr. Shen is currently teaching General Microbiology, Living in a Microbiology World, Food Microbiology Lab, and Food Chemistry courses. Dr. Shen’s research interest is in developing postharvest sanitizing procedures for reducing food safety risks on poultry meat products and fresh produce. Dr. Shen has published 61 journal articles, 3 textbooks, and 2 book chapters, and secured USDA-NIFA grants over $3.6 million. Dr. Shen serves as the editorial board member of Food Control, Journal of Food Protection, and Food Protection Trends. Dr. Shen received Outstanding Volunteer Award of Food Microbiology Division-Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) in 2018, and WVU-Davis College Outstanding Research Award in 2024. He was the Chair of Food Microbiology Division-IFT in 2019-2020 and the Chair of Biotechnology Division-IFT in 2022-2023.
Teaching Channel:
Jesica Temple, Rebecca Stearns, Corey Coe, Heather Chaney, Janet Tou, Annette Freshour, Yangchao Luo, Cangliang Shen *. 2023. Evaluation of the efficacy of a mixer of hydrogen peroxide and peroxyacetic acid to mitigate microbial cross-contamination of Salmonella Typhimurium and the surrogate Enterococcus faecium during triple-washing of butternut squash. LWT - Food Science and Technology, Article 114313.
Rebecca Stearns, Corey Coe, Ida Holásková, Kristen Matak, Annette Freshour, Jacek Jaczynski, Jingyi Xue, Yangchao Luo, Lisa Jones, Xinhao Wang, and Cangliang Shen*. 2023. Efficacy of triple-wash using a peroxyacetic acid and hydrogen peroxide solution at reducing populations and cross-contamination of Salmonella Typhimurium and the surrogate Enterococcus faecium on tomatoes. LWT - Food Science and Technology , 175, Article 114499.
Rebecca Stearns, Corey Coe, Kristen Matak, Annette Freshour, Jacek Jaczynski, Yangchao Luo, and Cangliang Shen*. 2023. Reduction of Microbial Populations and Cross-Contamination of SalmonellaTyphimurium and the Surrogate Enterococcus faecium on Tomatoes during Triple-Wash using Off-Label Concentrations of a Combination of Peroxyacetic Acid and Hydrogen Peroxide. Journal of Agriculture and Food Research , 12, Article 100542.
Rebecca Stearns, Kristen Matak, Annette Freshour, and Cangliang Shen*. 2023. Comparison of the Efficacy of Hydrogen Peroxide-Peroxyacetic Acid Delivered by Three Methods Against Listeria monocytogenes and the Surrogate L. innocua on Apples. LWT-Food Science and Technology , 184, Article 114945.
- Connor Freed, Rebecca Stearns, Nettie Freshour, Yangchao Luo, and Cangliang Shen*. 2022. Survival of Listeria monocytogenes on organic Honeycrisp and Fuji apples during storage at 5, 12 and 22.5°C. Journal of Agriculture and Food Research, 10, Article 100455.
- Corey Coe, Timothy Boltz, Rebecca Stearns, Peighton Foster, Robert L. Taylor, Jr.,
Joe Moritz, Jacek Jaczynski, Annette Freshour, and
Cangliang Shen*. 2022.
Thermal Inactivation of Salmonella Typhimurium and the surrogate Enterococcus
faecium in Mash Broiler Feed in A Laboratory Scale Circulated Thermal Bath.
Poultry Science. Article 101976.
Cangliang Shen*, Hanna Khouryieh, KaWang Li, Wentao Jiang, Sumit K. Paudel,
Nirosha Ruwani Amarasekara, Yifan Zhang, Rebecca Stearns, Corey Coe, Kristen
Matak, and Lisa Jones. 2022.
Survey of Consumers’ Knowledge of Food Safety of Perishable Foods Purchased at
Local Farmers Markets. Food Protection Trends. 42, 293-303.
Rebecca Stearns, Nettie Freshour, and Cangliang Shen*. 2022. Literature review for applying peroxyacetic acid and/or hydrogen peroxide to control foodborne pathogens on food products. Journal of Agriculture and Food Research , 10, Article 100442.
Rebecca Stearns, Jingyi Xue, Nettie Freshour, Kristen Matak, Yangchao Luo, and Cangliang Shen*. 2022. The Efficacy of Conventional Spray, Electrostatic Spray, and Dip with a Combination of Hydrogen Peroxide and Peroxyacetic Acid to Inactivate Listeria monocytogenes on Apples. Journal of Food Protection. 85, 828-834
- Timothy Boltz, Joseph Moritz, Victoria Ayres, Casey Showman, Jacek Jaczynski, and
Cangliang Shen*. 2021.
Modeling thermal inactivation of Salmonella Typhimurium in poultry feed. Journal
of Applied Poultry Research, 20, Article 100208.
- Wentao Jiang, Carly Waldman, KaWang Li, Jacek Jaczynski, and
Cangliang Shen*. 2021.
Survival of Salmonella and the surrogate Enterococcus faecium in Cooking of Moisture
Enhanced Reconstructed Comminuted Chicken Patties by Double Pan-broiling.
Poultry Science, 100, Article 101171.
- Wentao Jiang, Sumit K. Paudel, Nirosha Ruwani Amarasekara, Yifan Zhang, Xiaoli Etienne, Lisa Jones, KaWang Li, Fay Hansen, Jacek Jaczynski, and Cangliang Shen*. 2021. Survey of Small Local Produce Growers' Perception of Antibiotic Resistance Issues at Farmers Markets. Food Control, 125, Article 107997.
- KaWang Li, Lisa Jones, Wentao Jiang, and Cangliang Shen*. 2021. Inactivation of Foodborne Pathogens (Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes) on Locally Processed Spinaches by Three-Step Wash with Antimicrobials. Journal of Agriculture and Food Research, 3, Article 100106.
- Wentao Jiang, KaWang Li, Yu-Chun Chiu, Carly Waldman, and
Cangliang Shen* 2020.
Inactivation of Campylobacter jejuni in Moisture Enhanced Non-Intact Chicken
Patties by Double Pan-broiling as Affected by Cooking Set-Up Temperature and
Pump Rate. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 133, Article 109938.
- Yu-Chun Chiu,
Cangliang Shen, Mark Farnham, and Kang-Mo Ku. 2020.
Three-Dimensional Epicuticular Wax on Plant Surface Reduces Attachment and Survival
Rate of Salmonella during Storage. Postharvest Biology and Technology.
166, Article 111197. (co-first author)
- KaWang Li, Yu-Chun Chiu, Lisa Jones, Wentao Jiang, Xiaoli Etienne, and
Cangliang Shen*. 2020.
Comparing the Efficacy of Two Triple-Wash Procedures with Sodium Hypochlorite,
Lactic-Citric Acid Blend, and Mix of Peroxyacetic Acid and Hydrogen Peroxide
to Inactivate Salmonella, Listeria monocytogenes, and surrogate Enterococcus
faecium on Cucumbers and Tomatoes. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems.
4, 19.
- KaWang Li, Xiaoli Etienne, Yu-Chun Chiu, Lisa Jones, Hanna Khouryieh, and
Cangliang Shen*. 2020.
Validation of triple-wash procedure with a H2O2-peroxyacetic acid mixer to improve
microbial safety and quality of butternut squashes and economic feasibility
. Food Control. 112, Article 107146.
- Kang-Mo Ku, Yu-Chun Chiu, Cangliang Shen, and Matthew Jenks. 2020. Leaf cuticular waxes of lettuce are associated with reduced attachment of the foodborne pathogen Salmonella spp. at harvest and after postharvest storage. LWT - Food Science and Technology. 117, Article 108657.
- Cangliang Shen*, Lacey Lemonakis, Xiaoli Etienne, KaWang Li, Wentao Jiang, and Jeremy Adler. 2019. Evaluation of commercial antimicrobials against stress-adapted Campylobacter jejuni on broiler wings by using immersion and electrostatic spray and an economic feasibility analysis. Food Control. 103:161-166.
KaWang Li, Amanda Gipe McKeith, Cangliang Shen*, Russell McKeith. 2018. A Comparison Study of Quality Attributes of Ground Beef and Veal Patties and Thermal Inactivation of Escherichia Coli O157:H7 after Double Pan-Broiling Under Dynamic Conditions. Foods. 7(1): 1-13.
Wentao Jiang, Xiaoli Etienne, KaWang Li, Cangliang Shen*. 2018. Comparison of the efficacy of electrostatic versus conventional sprayer with commercial antimicrobials to inactivate Salmonella, Listeria monocytogenes and Campylobacter jejuni for eggs and economic feasibility analysis . Journal of Food Protection. 81:1864-1870
KaWang Li, Hanna Khouryieh, Lisa Jones, Xiaoli Etienne, and Cangliang Shen*. 2018. Assessing Farmers Market Produce Vendors' Handling of Containers and Evaluation of the Survival of Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes on Plastic, Pressed-Card, and Wood Container Surfaces at Refrigerated and Room Temperature. Food Control. 94: 116-122.
Lacey Lemonakis, KaWang Li, Jeremy Adler, and Cangliang Shen*. 2017. Microbiological quality assessment and validation of antimicrobials against unstressed or cold-stress adapted Salmonella and surrogate Enterococcus faecium on broiler carcasses and wings. Poultry Science. 86: 4038-4045.
KaWang Li, Lacey Lemonakis, Brian Glover, Joe Moritz, and Cangliang Shen*. 2017. Impact of built up litter and commercial antimicrobials on Salmonella and Campylobacter contamination of broiler carcasses processed at a pilot mobile poultry processing unit. Frontiers in Veterinary Science. 4:88.
KaWang Li, Jennifer Weidhaas, Lacey Lemonakis, Hanna Khouryieh, Martin Stone, Lisa Jones, and Cangliang Shen*. 2017. Microbiological Quality and Safety of Fresh Produce in West Virginia and Kentucky Farmers’ Markets and Validation of a Post-harvest Washing Practice with Antimicrobials to Inactivate Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes. Food Control. 79:101-108.
Cangliang Shen, Pauline Norris, Olivia Williams, Stephanie Hagan, and KaWang Li. 2016. Generation of chlorine by-products in simulated wash water. Food Chemistry. 190: 97-102.
Cangliang Shen and Yifan Zhang.
Food Microbiology Laboratory for the Food Science Student: A Practical Approach.
2017. Springer. •ISBN 9783319583716
Cangliang Shen and Yifan Zhang. Food Microbiology Laboratory for
the Food Science Student: A Practical Approach Second Edition. 2023. Springer.
•ISBN 978-3-031-26196-1
Cangliang Shen and Yifan Zhang. Introductory Microbiology Lab Skill and Techniques in Food Science. 2021. Elsevier Inc. ISBN 9780128216781.