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Giorgi, Aaron

Graduate Program Coordinator for the School for Community and Economic Development, Assistant Professor of Agricultural and Extension Education

Aaron and his family come to WVU from Columbus, OH, where he was working on his doctoral degree. He was raised in Miami, FL before working in the greater Tampa Bay area. He and his wife have been married 7 years, and have two daughters. His family loves adventuring in new places, college football, and spending time with their extended family. Besides spending time with his family, Aaron enjoys his hobby of Warhammer 40k, and playing video games.

Aaron earned his Doctorate of Philosophy in Agricultural Communication, Education and Leadership from The Ohio State University in May, 2020. His dissertation research explored differences between the experiences of first generation college students, and students in colleges of agriculture compared to their university wide counterparts. Aaron holds both a Bachelor’s of Science and Masters of Science in Agricultural Education from the University of Florida; as well as his Associate’s degree from Miami-Dade College. He graduated Miami-Dade with Honors and UF magna cum laude. Aaron conducted undergraduate research in the area of student generated learning experiences, while his Master’s work was focused on integrating science concepts into agriscience education and quality teaching practices at the collegiate level.

Previously, Aaron worked for the Florida Department of Education as a School Improvement Specialist focusing on Career and Technical Education. This work helped districts and schools align their activities to powerful strategic goals designed to address causes of underperformance; provide customer-driven expertise and resources that meet mutually determined urgent needs in underperforming schools; and design and implement adult learning experiences that are likely to result in improved teaching practice. Additionally, Aaron was an Agricultural Biotechnology teacher in Tampa, FL at a hybrid magnet/traditional school called Middleton High School. During his time there he assisted in curriculum and assessment development for statewide implementation of the Ag Biotech program. He also has experiences as an academic coach working in Pasco County Schools. In that role, Aaron supported educational programs in Department of Juvenile Justice facilities.


  1. Lambert, M.,  Giorgi, A. J. (Revising to Resubmit). Exploring Factors Contributing to Fatal Fires in West Virginia.  Journal of Extension.
  2. Giorgi, A. J., McDaniel, A., & Whittington, M. S. (2022). Describing College Success Indicators for First-Generation College Students in Colleges of Agriculture.  Journal of Agricultural Education, 63(4), 1-22.
  3. Bowling, A. M., Giorgi. A. J., Filson, C. M., & Kitchel, T. (2022). Agricultural Education Preservice Teachers’ Metacognitive Processes and Reflective Observations During a Reflection-in-Action Activity.  Teaching and Teacher Education,  114
  4. Giorgi, A. J., Giorgi, K. Y., Price, T. J, Settle, Q. (In Development). Describing Sources of, and Perceived Value for School-Base Agricultural Education Teacher Professional Development. Proceedings of the 2023 National American Association for Agricultural Education Conference.
  5. Giorgi, A. J., Price, T. J, Settle, Q. (In Development). Exploring Differences of Agricultural Communication Sources and Levels of Content Knowledge within School-Based Agricultural Education Teachers. Proceedings of the 2023 National American Association for Agricultural Education Conference.
  6. McPhillips, A. K., Giorgi, A. J., Byrd, A. P., & Hendrix, R. (2022). An Exploration into Preservice Teacher’s Time-Management and Stress Level. Research Conference Proceedings of the North Central Region American Association for Agricultural Educators, 66-73.
  7. Lambert, M., Giorgi, A. J. (2021). Exploration of Reporting Fatal Fires in West Virginia. Research Conference Proceedings of the North Central Region American Association for Agricultural Educators, 81-86.
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